We're in Totnes at Dartington Books on 13th December, signing copies of our book, BAKE IT, SLICE IT, EAT IT. If you are looking to pick up the book or just have a burning question about baking banging cakes we would love to see you there.


Then, on the 15th we will be taking part in Festive Feast of Cookbooks in Waterstones, Exeter. We will be joined by Piper's Farm, Orlando Murrin and Gill Meller. So if your'e in a Christmas gift buying panic you can stuff their stockings with all four books, signed by the authors. You can even get them gift wrapped by the "Elfs" from Exeter Leukemia Fund.


Then from about 7pm you can also enjoy songs from around the world and some festive songs from The Cowshed Choir. If you are looking for a little bit of festive cheer and cake in your life, we hope to see you there.